VFA Recommended Books

Ann Crittenden

The Price of Motherhood

The Price of Motherhood, a widely acclaimed bestseller, argues that although women have been liberated, mothers have not. Drawing on hundreds of interviews, and the latest research in economics, family law, sociology, history, and child development, this provocative book shows how mothers are uniquely disadvantaged economically. Unlike most other nations, the United States systematically refuses to value or support unpaid caring labor. As a result, mothers, children, and society as a whole pay an enormous price. Crittenden makes a forceful argument that the anachronistic, dependent status of mothers and other caregivers is the finished business of the woman's movement.


Visit Ann Crittenden's website: http://www.anncrittenden.com/

E-Mail Ann: ann.crittenden@erols.com

Telephone: 202-362-3419 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 202-362-3419 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting

A former economics reporter for the NYTimes and a Pulitzer Prize nominee, Ann has also been a reporter for Fortune, a financial writer and foreign correspondent for Newsweek, and an occasional commentator for CBS News. She lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband John Henry.

Her previous books include Sanctuary: A Story of American Conscience and the Law in Collision, which was a New York Times Notable Book in 1988, and Killing the Sacred Cows: Bold Ideas for a New Economy. Her articles have appeared in The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Nation, Foreign Affairs, and Barron's among others.



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